Our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Human and City Center for Social and Humanitarian Research prioritizes privacy. This page outlines the types of information and data collected and recorded from our website visitors and how it is used, noting that this information is collected and recorded from any website. If you have any additional inquiries or would like more information, please feel free to contact us.

Recorded Files

The website of the Human and City Center for Social and Humanitarian Research follows essential procedures regarding recorded files, which are files that document the visitor’s journey on the site. It is important to note that all websites do this as part of hosting services analytics, and in our case, it is through “GoDaddy”. This data includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date and time of access to the site, referral pages that led you to the site, pages where the visitor’s journey ended, and possibly the average number of clicks on site links.

Data Analysis

Our team analyzes the aggregated data using tools such as Google Analytics, Google Cloud computing system, and website visit analysis extensions. The goal is to enhance and make the journey for our visitors more enjoyable and beneficial.

It’s important to note that this information is not linked to any personal data. The purpose is to analyze website data and the visitor’s journey on the site, including collecting geographic data (the countries that visit the website most).


Please be aware that your use of the website constitutes acceptance of our Privacy, Protection, and Usage Policy.

Protection Policy

The Human and City Center takes the protection of your data seriously. Therefore, we use your personal data, collected through Google registration forms for our various activities or the newsletter form linked to our website, solely for the purpose of advertising our latest releases and events. This is based on your interaction and participation in similar activities and events. We commit to not using or sharing the data with any third party and to maintain the confidentiality of any information.

We also commit to not publishing any personal images of those who have suffered abuse or physical assault, and we take into consideration not publishing any personal images of attendees or participants in any form during our events or various activities without their explicit oral or written consent. Often, we redesign images and blur features to respect the privacy, identity, and physical and mental well-being of individuals, even if they are publicly shared on other platforms.

Data collected through the forms

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Mobile Number
  4. C.V (in case of applying to a vacancy or a workshop)
  5. Educational and professional backgrund

Data Protection Rights

You can correct, modify, or delete your data from the website by contacting us via email at info@hcsr-eg.org.

Usage Policy

The Human and City Center believes in the right to knowledge and its accessibility. It considers the transfer and sharing of knowledge as the most impactful action in society. Therefore, we publish all our releases under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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